Looking for A Pediatric Dentist in Greensboro, NC, visit Dr. Sona Isharani at Triad Pediatric Dentistry
Finding a nearby dentist specializing in pediatric dental care is more important for your child than you may realize. If you have found yourself on the internet googling “Find Me the Nearest Dentist in Greensboro, NC,” then you may have come across Dr. Sona Isharani’s pediatric dental practice. At Triad Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Isharani and her staff specialize in quality, safe, and compassionate care for each child who comes through the front door. Dr. Isharani believes that every child deserves the best care she can provide while also providing education to both parent and child about how to best care for the child’s oral health.
Why Is Finding a Good Pediatric Dentist is Important for Your Child?
The impression your child has of the dentist develops very early. Consistently good experiences will likely lead to a healthy relationship with the dentist’s office and oral health. However, a negative experience could teach your child to grow into adolescence and beyond having dental fear or anxiety. Many individuals who live with dental fear will intentionally avoid seeing the dentist and, due to this, will have significantly worse dental health than those who regularly visit the dentist. Because this fear is typically rooted in a negative early life experience, finding a dentist who will show unending compassion, gentleness, and understanding could very well be the difference between a life of poor dental health and one with good dental health.
Dr. Isharani understands the importance of early dental experiences, starting with the first time a child ever sits in the dental chair. That is why she creates an atmosphere that puts children at ease and encourages them (and their parents) to ask any question they may have about whatever work is about to be done. She will provide gentle yet truthful answers to these questions while also keeping the child calm.
Dr. Sona Isharani and her team at Triad Pediatric Dentistry are excited to meet your child and show them that going to the dentist is not something they ever need to be afraid of. Dr. Isharani is well respected for providing the quality, nurturing, and gentle dental care your child needs. To schedule an appointment, please call (336) 804-8668.
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