A Dentist in Greensboro Offers Regular Teeth Cleaning for Kids
Did you know that you are supposed to take care of your kid’s oral health even before the first tooth sprouts? Yes, you are advised to wipe your kid’s gums with a damp gauze or cloth at least twice a day. This action helps remove plaque buildup that may invite bacteria.
When your kid’s teeth develop, at-home oral care is vital, but it’s never enough. Even the most conscientious kids are likely to miss spots while brushing their teeth. And for this reason, regular teeth cleanings for kids offered by a dentist in Greensboro become a lifesaver. Professional dental cleanings are pivotal in removing plaque buildup and cleaning hard-to-reach spots in your kid’s mouth.
Bring your kid to Triad Pediatric Dentistry, for regular dental cleanings
While you may scratch your head thinking about where to take your kid for dental care, this decision has just been made easier. If you are in Greensboro and the surrounding areas, Dr. Sona Isharani is a professional pediatric dentist with a motherly touch and long-standing experience in caring for your kid’s oral health.
If you are looking for a place to start your kid’s dental wellness journey, our practice is the first place to think of. Here, we recommend parents bring their kids when they are six months or after their first tooth sprouts. And if you are worried about your kid’s anxiety during their first visit, don’t be. We offer a relaxed environment to create a positive dental experience for your kid from the word go.
Why regular dental cleanings are essential for kids
Kids are at high risk of developing cavities during their first decade. Because many children haven’t learned proper ways of brushing and flossing their teeth, it’s not uncommon for plaque to build up, posing a risk to your kid’s dental health. For this reason, regular dental cleaning is paramount to safeguard your young one’s teeth.
Additionally, part of the process involves a checkup of your kid’s general oral health. After which, your dentist advises you on proper ways of taking care of your kid’s teeth. While the kid’s dental cleaning takes about an hour or so, the benefits are long-lasting!
Teeth cleaning for kids in Greensboro
When is the last time you took your kid for regular dental cleanings? As a result, your kid is missing out on professional dental cleaning benefits. If you are in Greensboro and its environs, please contact (336) 804-8668 to book an appointment with Dr. Sona Isharani and the team at Triad Pediatric Dentistry.
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